NFS works in partnership with Property Management Companies and provides immediate solution to client’s requests and demands.
Concierge Services by Northern Force Security’s professional guards and concierges perform services such as:
Front desk concierge
A front desk manager/concierge is an essential team player for the successful and smooth operations of security to your condominium or apartment building. Northern Force Security’s professionally trained concierges are focused on visitor management protocols – directing, registering and verifying visitors to improve building security and maintain residents’ safety.
Entrance guarding
Hundreds of visitors and guests enter your building on a daily basis are usually legitimate individuals, nonetheless, these visitors may pose a risk to the safety and security of your building. Northern Force Security’s professional guards are trained to identify potential threats and prevent damages to residents and their assets.
Video surveillance monitoring
Constant activity takes place everywhere around your premises 24/7. These activities must be monitored and analyzed by professional guards who are capable to make the right decision in order to prevent crime, violence and vandalism. Northern Force Security professional guards are trained to operate the most advanced monitoring systems.
Organized emergency response
Unfortunately sometimes, situations transform into an emergency within seconds. Correctly implemented evacuation protocols may save hundreds of lives in case of fire, natural disaster or terror attack. Northern Force Security professional guards are trained to apply evacuation and security protocols and guide residents and guests to safety within a short time and with maximum risk reduction.
Immediate response
Accidents, injuries and crime may occur instantly and professional response and cooperation with police and fire departments is essential. Northern Force Security professional guards are trained to provide immediate and professional response to these accidents preventing potential damages, injuries and loss while cooperating with police and fire department.