Security guards are an important part of society. They help to protect people and property, and keep things running smoothly. If you’re interested in becoming a security guard in Toronto, then we have all the info you need right here.
In this post, we will discuss the steps that you need to take to become a security guard in Toronto. We will also talk about the different types of security guard jobs that are available in this great city. So if you’re ready to start your career as a security guard, read on!
The three main steps
There are three big steps to becoming a security guard in Toronto:
Training– Before going any further, you need to know what you’re doing and that involves getting the right training. Once you’ve completed your training, then you’ll need to start preparing for your test.
Test – Becoming a security guard is a job that requires many key skills. Not everyone is capable of being a guard. That’s why you’ll need to take and pass a test before you can go on to the next step.
License – The final step before you can start applying for jobs is to get the required license. As long as you meet the set criteria and have completed your training and test, you should have no issues with getting a license.
In the rest of this article, we’ll give you more details on the steps above so that you can be confident in starting your journey to becoming a security guard in Toronto.
Ontario Security Guard Training Program
The first step to becoming a security guard in Toronto is to complete the Ontario Security Guard Training Program. This program can be offered by several places but those training centers must be approved by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services.
This training program can often be administered by a university or college but there are other options too. Some companies will have their own in-house trainer to complete the course. Then there is also the option of using a private licensed training agency.
The cost of this training will vary depending on the provider that you use. If you can get training through an employer, then there often isn’t a cost at all. This training can often be done in a classroom but can also be completed virtually as long as it is real-time instruction.
To start the training, you’ll also need a few things, including proof that you are eligible to work in Canada, photo ID, and also a guarantor information form. This is someone from a respected profession who can confirm your information so a criminal check can be run. Once this is done, you’ll be ready for the test.
The Security Guard Test
You can’t skip ahead and book your test without completing your training. To apply, you’ll need an Ontario Testing Completion Number which you would have received from your trainer. There is also a cost to the test of $75.15, including HST.
The test itself is fairly straightforward. You’ll get 60 questions, which are all multiple choice. There are four answers to select from each question and they have to be delivered in pencil and paper.
The allotted time for the test is 75 minutes and it will be overseen by an invigilator. The tests are available in both English and French. There are many resources available for you to study and the pass mark is relatively low.
You’ll need to have a minimum of 62% of the questions correct to pass. You’ll get your results back within two business days, which are available on their website using a special code. For those that fail the test, they can take it again as many times as they want. However, the full fee would need to be paid each time.
Ontario Security Guard License
Once you’ve completed the above steps, you can finally apply for your license. If you’ve completed the training and test then you won’t have any issues getting one. You do, however, need to provide again much of the same information you needed for the training. Which is a photo ID, your eligibility to work, and a guarantor.
The whole process can be completed online and it will take up to 10 working days to process, and for your application to be approved. Once it’s done, you can start applying for jobs, though you may need to wait eight weeks for your license card to arrive. Thankfully, you can print a digital copy.
The cost of getting a security guard license is $80. You will then need to apply for a renewal of your license every two years at the same cost.
What jobs can I get with a security guard license?
Once you have your Ontario Security Guard License, you can start looking for security guard jobs in Toronto. There are several different types of security guard jobs available in the city, including event security, retail security, bodyguard, and loss prevention.
Event security guards are responsible for ensuring the safety of attendees at concerts, sporting events, and other large gatherings. Retail security guards are responsible for protecting retail stores from theft and vandalism.
Bodyguards provide personal protection to celebrities, politicians, and other high-profile individuals. Loss prevention officers work in retail stores and are responsible for preventing theft by employees and customers.
Many of the higher paying roles may require experience and therefore jobs such as event security and loss prevention officers are more achievable goals for entry-level guards. Once you gain experience, then you can look to progress in your security career.
Final Thoughts
Taking the required steps to become a security guard in Toronto isn’t a big hurdle to overcome but it does take a little time and there is a cost as detailed above. If that’s the career you want to choose, then you’ll find the process to be fairly straightforward.
Once you have a license, then you have the challenge of trying to get a job. Security guards are usually in demand and positions are often available. The pay is usually good compared to other roles and as you get more experienced, you can progress into higher-paying and more interesting roles.